
ALL ABOUT QC3. The QC Approach to Problem Solving(QC的問題解決法編)

  • Katsuya Hosotani(細谷克也)
  • A4
  • 定価 1,980円(税込)
  • 在庫あり


Summary of contents

Sheet 1(obverses)

 The “Five Main Tasks”of Workplace Management(職場の五大任務)

 Control  improvement(管理と改善)

 What is the QC Approach to Problem Solving?(QC的問題解決とは)

 10 Rules for Leaders of the QC Approach to Problem Solving(QC的問題解決のための10訓)

 10 Ways to Identify the Problem(問題点の洗い出し10項目)

Sheet 2(Reverses)

 Problem Solving Procedures(問題解決の手順)

 What is QC Story?(QCストーリーとは)

   Making Use of Data(データの活用)

Sheet 3(obverses)

 Techniques in the QC Approach to Problem Solving(7 QC Tools  New 7QC Tools)QC問題解決法で使われるQC手法(QC七つ道具と新QC七つ道具)

Sheet 4(Reverses)

Relating Problem Solving Procedures to 7 QC Tools(「問題解決の手順」とQC七つ道具)

Procedures for Solving Task-Achieving-Type Problem(課題達成型問題解決の手順)


*Set of 2 sheet   thickness 0.15mm

 サイズ:A4規格 厚さ0.15mm 材質:硬質塩ビ(ラミネート加工)裁断角丸

 2枚シートで1組 表・裏カラー印刷


QC education for trainees from overseas ;Convenient references for your overseas employees.

These QC Fcat Sheet tell you need to know in a convenient format.

Keep them at hand,so you can refer to them anytime.

Catch on in 5 minutes! 


